The process was longer than usual as the bread had to be started the day before, but well worth the wait.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
One of My Favorite Foods...
The process was longer than usual as the bread had to be started the day before, but well worth the wait.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wet Dog
Well, he loved getting a shower and ever since then he tries to get in the shower with us on a daily basis. For the most part, we keep him out (unless he really needs a bath), but last Sunday he was faster than me and got in while I wasn't looking.

Now, I am off to make dinner (whole grain pasta with tomatoes, smoked chicken, feta cheese and fresh basil - yum!) and then to visit your blogs! Wishing you a wonderful evening!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Homemade Muesli
by Daniel Powers
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup wheat flakes
1 cup rye flaks (or spelt or barley, etc.)
1 cup hazelnuts (or half hazelnuts, half almonds)
1/2 cup sunflower seeds (yesterday Daniel used half sunflower, half pumpkin seeds)
1/2 cup wheat germ
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
2 tablespoons flax seeds
1 cup dried apricots, chopped (yesterday, he used dried cranberries and figs instead)
1/4 cup canola oil
Pour oil in 9 x 13 pyrex dish and put in cold oven.
Heat oven (with pyrex dish in it) to 375 degrees.
While oven is heating, add nuts, to food processor and pulse to chop coarsely (or chop by hand).
Add 4 cups of grains - bake for 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes.
Add rest of ingredients (except dried fruit) - bake for 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes.
Take dish from oven, place on rack and cool.
When cooled, add dried fruit.
Store in cool place.
As you can see, the variations are endless. You can vary the flakes, the nuts, the seeds, the dried fruit or you can add cinnamon. Eat with milk or yogurt and add fresh fruit if you want to (excellent with blueberries or strawberries).
Do you make your own cereal? What do you put in it?
P.S. Daniel told me he uses less oil now than he did when we wrote down the recipe, so I've changed the oil amount to 1/4 cup.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Williamsburg and a Big Thank You

And this lovely award was given to me by Angela Recada, a fellow German native whose blog is just wonderfully inspiring! I am so grateful!

I am very grateful for each and every one of you and am so glad we got to meet (at least in cyberspace).
road trip,
Saturday, July 25, 2009
IF - Idle...and...Mixing it up with Melange - Whisper

In a rare idle moment, she finally heard the urgent whisper of her heart.
I painted her this morning while the words were swirling around in my mind and thought she'd be perfect for this week's Illustration Friday theme of Idle AND the Mixing it up with Melange theme of Whisper.
It seems that I can't stop painting these women and am amazed how each one looks unique and has something different to say. Again, I used molding paste on a 5 x 7 gessoed piece of 140 lb cold-pressed watercolor paper. I made sure to create some good texture before then painting over it with acrylic paint. The colors I used are so unusual for me, but I really, really ended up loving them all together! If this lovely lady speaks to you like she does to me, you can find her in my little Etsy shop.
Tomorrow, I promise to show the last of our road trip pictures and share a couple of awards I am way behind on passing on... In the meantime, I hope you are all having a wonderfully creative weekend!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Art and a Movie

This afternoon we decided to go to the movies, but beforehand we stopped at another antique store close to the movie theater, where I found yet another great deal! I discovered this little book of the Fifty Best Poems of America. This tiny book is not in good shape, but will be perfect to use in some of my mixed media art. Quite a find indeed!
If you haven't seen it yet, if you like to laugh, if you love dogs, go see it! I think you'll love it as much as we did!
molding paste,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Collage Play with Crowabout

In other news, Daniel and I went to downtown Savannah today to try out a Middle Eastern Deli Daniel recently discovered (yummy!) and then we visited a couple of antique malls. Contrary to so many of you, I usually do not enjoy antiquing. Not because I don't like the things that are offered, but because I get so overwhelmed and never quite know if I am really getting a deal. So, much to our surprise, I found a little pale yellow vase, which looks great in our kitchen and an old German postcard - both of those for $2. Was that a deal or what?!?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Illustration Friday - Tango
I never seem to get my act together to create artwork for the weekly Illustration Friday topic, so this week I made an extra effort.
This was something new I tried and I just love how she turned out! I worked on a 5 x 7 clayboard, did an image transfer all in greens as a background, which is all but painted over now. I then covered the whole board with molding paste and gave it texture before painting the image with acrylic paints. I love the color palate I used (very different for me) and the texture of the finished piece.
I have to say, I am always surprised with my paintings, especially when I paint people - their facial expressions sort of happen while I paint and I never know what they will look like when finished, but they always touch me in some way. The same with this woman - she tugs at my heartstrings!
And if she tugs at yours, she is available in my little Etsy shop.
Illustration Friday,
image transfer,
molding paste
Fresh Figs and Chocolate Cookies
Now, Daniel and I eat a very healthy diet for the most part - no refined sugar or flour, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, etc. But once in a while, I have the urge to bake with all the "right" ingredients - butter, sugar, flour, and chocolate! Yesterday was one of those days and I found the perfect excuse:
My very first Etsy sale!! Thank you, Diantha for helping me get my business started. I am so happy that my little collage is on its way to you! Come to think of it, I should have sent a few celebration cookies as well...
Double Chocolate Cookies (I added dark chocolate chips as well, which made them Triple Chocolate Cookies.)
From Cooks Illustrated, Sept. 1999 issue
Sift together and set aside:
2 cups flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
2 t baking powder
1 t salt
16 oz semisweet baking chocolate, chopped & melted
4 large eggs, beaten with
2 t vanilla, and sprinkled with
2 t instant coffee powder
10 T (1 1/4 sticks) butter, softened but firm
1 1/2 cups packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
How to:
(CI is very particular about how to do each step. Use your own judgment!)
1. Cream butter (approx. 15 seconds w/ hand mixer), then beat in sugars until combined (approx. 1 1/2 min.). It will look granular.
2. On low, beat in egg mixture (1 min.), then chocolate (1 min.), then flour mixture (1 min.), scraping between each. Do not overbeat.
3. Cover w/ plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature until consistency is scoopable and fudgy, approx. 30 min.
4. Meanwhile, adjust oven racks to upper- and lower-middle positions. Preheat to 350. Line cookie sheets w/ parchment.
5. Scoop golfball-sized balls 1 1/2 inches apart. (don't skimp)
6. Bake 10 min., turning sheets front to back and top to bottom halfway through.
7. Cool 10 minutes on pan then slide parchment to rack.
Makes 3 1/2 dozen cookies.
Very good with nuts or chocolate chips (white, regular, or dark) as well.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
New Collage

Yesterday was one of those days where I just have so much good stuff swirling around in my brain that I can't find rest. I was thinking about how I could use several lives at once to do all the things I want to do. I could use separate lives for making art, traveling with Daniel, reading all the good books out there, cooking, seeing friends, blogging, crafting, etc. Do you know what I mean?
Whenever I think of getting into something in depth, I realize that there are so many things I love to do that I can only do some of them as intensely as I like. And then I visit your blogs and you inspire me to completely new things and I wonder where I'll ever find the time...
How do you get everything done you want to? Or do you?
P.S. I liked my new collage so much I listed it in my Etsy shop. {SOLD}
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Roots and Cherries
Some years ago, through his research, we found a large branch of his family in France that we are now very close to. We have visited them (that's an incredible story for another post) and some of them have visited us here. When one of their ancestors came to the United States from France in the 1830's, he helped settle the town of Swormville near Niagara Falls. Incidentally, the French relatives all thought that he had not survived the voyage to the New World because they never heard from him again. Were they surprised when they found out about all their relatives in the States!
Daniel thinks that this might be the house his ancestors built and lived in.
Friday, July 17, 2009
German Farms

Now, the farmhouse in the photo below (I don't know who the person in the picture is) is where I learned to ride horses. I started when I was 13 and during the following 6 years, I probably spent more time there than I did at home. Only a few minutes from our house by bike, this farm was a true oasis!

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