Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Healing Power of Nature

Yesterday was a rare warm and sunny day and I spent part of my day allowing nature to cure my cold. The sun felt wonderful! And because the trees in our yard are evergreen, as soon as it warms up, it feels and looks like spring.
Winslow kept me company on the back porch as we watched the wildlife around us.
Aside from playful squirrels and different kinds of birds (cardinals, titmice, chickadees, sparrows, doves, and wrens), we were visited by this woodpecker
and a pretty little finch. You can click on the photos to see them bigger in case you can't spot my little birds.
Thanks for all your well wishes! I'm feeling much better already and will be back to my normal chipper and commenting self in no time!


  1. I'm a great believer in the healing power of nature: the warm rays of sun, the freshness of the air,the lovely birds - all are very helpful
    in improving our health and mood.

  2. Hi Silke..wonderful powers of nature always bless us..enjoy! Hope you feel shiny and sparkly real soon. What a beautiufl post..with such lovely moments captured..gorgeous!
    Have a super magical day..

  3. Lovely photos! Being in the outdoors and breathing in fresh air does have great recuperative powers. Your boy sat very nicely, I see - didn't go chasing any birdies? That photo of him is just way too cute. Have a great day, Silke! : ) Theresa

  4. Hi Silke, gosh you're so right about the healing powers of nature. You're pictures are wonderful to! I love your birds that visited you! I wish that I was well enough to go and spend some time watching the wildlife here in my yard. But, I still have some snow on the ground and it's just a lil bit to cold outside still. But as soon as I can I'm so much looking forward to it! That is after a major spring cleaning up. I had been in the hospital so long that last fall I couldn't do all the things I should have now everything is there waiting for me to do it now.
    Winslow is just the cutest, sweetest furry one! His eyes are gorgeous! Aren't they the very best of friends! No matter what we do, they do, what we like, they like. It's great!
    I'm so happy that you're feeling better! I hope that your day is a beautiful one!

  5. Ahhh nature...soothes the soul doesn't it? Great to hear the happiness in your "voice" again.

  6. so happy you were able to enjoy some peaceful time outside! take care of you!!!

    sending you love,

  7. Glad you're feeling better! Over here, it is way too cold to sit outdoors - we hit minus 11° last night - brrrr!

  8. Dearest Silke, so glad that you're feeling better...there's no doubt that a bit of sunshine works wonders for the psyche. Winslow has the most beautiful eyes, but then I'm sure you knew that already! Alice has just toddled off for her afternoon nap....
    much love to you xoxox Rachel

  9. Glad you are feeling better, and that you were able to sit in the wonderful sun. I'm so happy that spring is finally coming to your part of the world.

  10. Sweet Silke,
    So good you are feeling better,
    I too have suffered with a cold, that will not leave me in peace. I am cuffing and .......for almost 4 weeks now,- so tirering.
    How wonderfull for you to be able to sit outside, in the sun,--far to cold for that here,!!!
    Blessings to you dear.
    Hugs ,Dorthe

  11. Feel better dear Silke, i'm so glad you could take in a bit of nature to soothe and heal you. the sun and trees, the blue sky and the birds, and your lovely winslow, how beautiful life is.
    take good care!

  12. I love these pics! Sunshine through the trees has always been one of my very favorite things. I found you via the wonderful Amy Faldet's beautiful site, and will definitely be back. Regards, Sheila
