Sunday, November 6, 2011


Friday I started coming down with a cold. I still went to the print studio in the morning and got a good bit done (including working on the two copper plates I thought ruined, which really weren't!!). Friday afternoon, I rested.

Then yesterday, I woke up with a good bit of energy which I put to good use. When I have a cold I want to eat. And I really craved baked goods. So I made two loaves of my favorite grainy German no-knead, five-minute bread. My good friend, Verena, introduced me to this recipe a couple of years ago and since then we have never been without this bread. The recipe makes two loaves and it freezes beautifully! You can find the recipe link in this post
And then I made a batch of these interesting little almond biscotti.
I was a little suspicious of the recipe at first because they are made with whole wheat flour, almond meal, chopped almonds, olive oil and honey. Particularly the olive oil sounded a little strange.
But I've now made them four times already. They are simply delicious and are quickly becoming a favorite cookie!! You can find the recipe here if you are interested.
And then, for good measure, I also made some Memphis Chopped Cole Slaw to go with some yummy BBQ last night. It's my favorite cole slaw recipe and I've shared the recipe with you before in this post.

Today, I will simply rest and allow the cold to take it's course. If it is the same bug Daniel had last week (which I am assuming it is), I should be feeling much better by tomorrow.

In the meantime I wish you a beautiful Sunday and hope that all is well in your world....


  1. I think you are suppose to "feed a cold and starve a fever" so you are on the right track by fixing delicious goodies to eat. Take care of yourself.

  2. Was für ein leckeres Wochenende, liebe Silke. Da läuft mir das Wasser im Mund zusammen. Ich habe eine Käse-Sahnetorte und Linsensuppe gemacht und mir auch den Bauch so richtig voll gehauen. Bin momentan ein bisschen geschockt. Du hast es sicherlich überall gelesen, dass eine liebe Bloggerin plötzlich verstorben ist.

    LG Sabine

  3. Hallo Silke, gute Besserung wünsch ich dir. Das Brotrezept klingt sehr lecker. Das werde ich mal probieren. Ich liebe es zu backen und habe auch schon so einige Brotrezepte probiert. Nur mit der leckeren, sprich knusperigen Kruste tue ich mich ewas schwer. Wünsche dir schöne Novembertage und genieße sie. Ich bin schon gespannt, wie es künstlerisch weitergehen wird. Liebe Grüße und einen guten Start in die Woche, Inge

  4. That bread looks really good! Hope your cold goes away soon!

  5. I hope you feel better Silke! The bread looks YUMMY!

  6. Did you know that we have made that perfect German bread almost every single week since you first posted about good. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Silke, this looks incredible. I hope there are no calories in it. LOL

    Drink lots of tea for your cold.

  8. I wonder where you take the energy to bake when you have a cold - but it looks delicious. Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Liebe Silke,

    nun bin ich hier.

    Wir haben schlechtes Wetter, und
    es geht nicht gut.

    Alles Liebe
    Angela und Elisabeth

  10. You do more when sick than some of us do when well :-). Feel better dear Silke.xoxo

  11. Silke these look so yummy! Thanks for sharing these recipes. Hope you feel better soon! Hugs! xo

  12. Looks good. Would be great with a coffee! Hope you are well on the mend. xox Corrine
