Monday, November 14, 2011

Have you heard of...


It's basically a website of virtual pin boards. At first I thought it was just pretty (like my color pin board), but I am actually finding it quite useful.  
On my food pin board I am collecting all kinds of recipes I want to try out. Each photo pin links back to the original website and gives credit as to where the photo came from.
I have to be careful to not spend too much time there, but the time I spend I find incredibly inspiring!
It makes me dream and think of what I might like to do and where I might like to go.
I think you have to be invited by someone to join Pinterest (it's free), but I'm not sure. If that's the case, just e-mail me and I'll invite you to join if you are interested. Ok, that sounds like I'm advertising for them, but I just like to let others know what inspires me...

Now on to my gratitude list.


Right now, I am grateful for:

  1. all of your comments on my last few blog posts
  2. the birds singing outside my window
  3. a warm and sunny autumn morning
  4. Ramses on my lap
  5. a hot cup of English Breakfast tea with a little milk


  1. Nothing beats a warm pet on the lap for gratitude-have a good day.

  2. Hi Silke!!!! I have heard of it and should really check it out.....thank you for the tips.....I love your new gratitude list...I think we should all be posting something ....

    Wishing you a wonderful day!!!

  3. Yes, have seen this and would like to join but fear it will be addictive and will spend even longer at the computer than I already do!!!

  4. I keep hearing about it through other Bloggers but I know I'll get hooked if I go there so I'm staying away for the time being ;o) The pics look gorgeous!
    Jess x x
