Friday, November 18, 2011

Can you guess...

... what we've been doing all morning?
I know it's a little early, but I'm so totally in the holiday spirit this year... Any of you as well?!

And you bet this is part of my gratitude list today...


Right now, I am grateful for:
  1. getting out our Christmas decorations and slowly starting to decorate around the house
  2. much cooler weather with plenty of sunshine
  3. colorful yarn ready to be made into something beautiful
  4. a surprise package that arrived yesterday
  5. Nutella (yum!!) 


  1. Liebe Sike,
    ich wünsche dir viel Spaß beim weihnachtlichen Dekorieren.
    LG Sabine

  2. Hey!
    Come to my house and decorate since yours is already done!
    Check out my last two posts if you get a chance, "Harmony" and "England At Her Best"..I am grateful to have found your lovely blog! :-)

  3. silke, i'm into the spirit too this year. what will i make, what will i bake, who will i see, how will i share, where will i shop?

    i'm very grateful. i know you are too.


  4. Wir wünschen euch ein schönes Wochenende! Verena und Familie

  5. Ja, langsam kommt auch bei mir die Vorweihnachtsstimmung auf.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende

  6. It's a little too early for me-but I appreciate your spirit. Have a great week end.
