Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Smelling Great!

Do you like to smell good things? I do! And yesterday was one of those days fill with good smells. In the garden (front and backyard) the jasmine is in full bloom and smells divine.
The gardenias are starting to bloom and that as you know if you've ever been near one, that flower has an amazing scent.
Then last night I was making a salmon recipe I had found online, which used lime zest. You can just imagine the great smell of that! I kept leaning in to inhale and get as much of the citrus scent as possible.
The lime zest was mixed with garlic, grated jalapeño and olive oil and then spread on the salmon and baked in the oven. Delicious!! That accompanied with a warm asparagus salad and it was a perfect meal. 
You can find the recipes here and here.

Bon Appétit!



  1. Liebe Silke,

    ich freue mich wieder über deinen
    schönen Post.

    Alles Liebe

  2. I am not keen on salmon so I won't check out the recipe, but I am all with you where scents are concerned. Don't you love how a scent can trigger off an entire world in your head? That is, I think, especially true of scents that remind us of times, places and people from our own past. Our olfactory sense can act as an in-built little time-machine, if we allow it!

  3. that sounds so lovely! on my morning walks i pass a bunch of honeysuckle and i always try to sniff in a big deep breath so i can hold that smell close for awhile. :-)

  4. Was für eine herrliche Gardenienblüte, liebe Silke.

    Beste Grüße


  5. oh gardenias!!!!!!!

    this is a quick comment, as i am catching up with blogs, after our trip to our "grand's" graduation from university.

    gentle hugs,
