Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Art, Art and more Art

I have been playing with color as you saw in my last post. Not just playing, but experimenting and getting out of my comfort zone.
One of my readers commented on how I have such different styles going on at the same time (one in oils and one in acrylics) and how it's making her think that its ok to have a diverse style.
Sometimes I think that I should have one style that defines me as an artist, but that's just not me. I like variety in most things and definitely in everything creative.
What's more, I found that this kind of art is essential to my creativity. That's when I can let loose and play and expand.
Where the Happy Houses Live
acrylics and gel pen on 5x7" clay board

Available in my Etsy Shop here.
That's when judgment and perfection are thrown out of the window and childlike play is invited in. 
That's when I discover new things and when I get sudden bursts of inspiration for my art and life in general.
In this space of pure play - that's where all the good stuff is born. At least for me.
Underwater Frolic
acrylics and gel pen on 5x7" clay board

Available in my Etsy Shop here.
And that's what feeds my more "serious" art, like this quick graphite sketch for a new oil painting.
One of my Facebook friends had mentioned that they'd love to see how I create the layers in my colorful paintings, so I'm taking some photos while I paint the next one and will share them here!

In the meantime, I hope that your week is off to a great start! Wishing you a color- and playful day!!

With lots of love and gratitude,



  1. I love the whimsical pieces especially the houses-=-yummy color. I don't think you need to stick to one style unless your goal is to become a famous easily recognized by their style artist. If the art you are doing is to please yourself and sell some along the way, do whatever pleases you.

  2. Oh how I love this colorful free play!! I have a more singular focus...but how nice when each of us finds what it is that brings us joy and meaning & serenity. What connects us to the language of our souls.
