Thursday, August 12, 2010

With Different Eyes...

Just now, I was walking by our table and saw these things laying on it and was struck by the colors. So, I quickly put them all together and took this photo. Before I started painting or blogging, I would not have seen the color connection so readily, nor grabbed the camera to share with others.

But now I find that I see and think "in blog." I constantly see things I want to share or file away interesting tidbits in my brain to write about later. I love it!

Does that happen to you as well?


  1. It hasn't happened to me yet - but I feel that transformation coming!

    I have read numerous books on writing and creativity this summer, and the one thing that I have heard over and over is that I must start to live more in the present - and along with that - I must become much more observant of "life" around me. I am trying to do that: slow down enough to notice the colors of the world, rather than rush to accomplish all the daily to-dos.

    I love your collage --- festive and happy.

  2. ~og husbadn and we little ones are constantly laughing as life has become a moment by moment picture taking fest...i want...i see and can't wait to share...embrace your mind and the eyes that have been see life in a whole nother world...truly a beautiful thing...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  3. ~whoops..."oh" not og...a wee bit early for my fingers i guess~

  4. ~oh gosh...and husband too...maybe i need a bit more coffee...yikes!~

  5. Yes, but I never thought of it as seeing it in "blog" I love that. Have a great week-end. We are headed for the mountians.

  6. Great picture Silke! Such vibrant colors! Although I have only just begun my creative blogging journey I do know what you mean. I am starting to feel that with things I have already done thinking "This would be great to share on my blog"

    Thanks for sharing this moment!


  7. It happens to me alot.I sometimes jot something down that I would love to post,so I dont forget.It helps if you can jot it down.cause with me then I get another idea and then another,I cant figure out which one is best,LOL

    Happy Thursday to you Silke!

  8. Yes yes yes! All of my artist friends have taught me to see with new eyes, to notice the details and to share the beauty. The Fanciful One has taught me to create my own magic. Happy Thursday, oh Beautiful One! **kisses** Deb

  9. absolutely yes, silke! this is a very lovely insight from you.

    i delight in carrying my camera with me, knowing i will share with special people and they with me. to be able to share and receive colors and art and images and words and friendship: this has a place in my life that i treasure every day.

    and do i see differently because of it?

    heck, yes!


  10. My children mention it when I have a camera in my hand and take a photo of something. For the blog, mom??
    Love those colours. I think I see more now than before the blog.

  11. I think *seeing in blog* is just an adaptation of the artist's eye. You become more attuned to your surroundings, colors, textures, odd combinations that prove interesting.....
    It is like developing a good photographers eye---everything can be potential blog-fodder! It's just how you shoot it and light it and crop it!
    So yes, I suppose I do.....when I have my contacts in....LOL!!!!

    A weary Anne

  12. Hallo Silke, besonders gefällt mir das feurige Rot. Dein Schal ist auch sehr schön. Übrigens, vor kurzem war ich in Ludwigshafen, bei Moorbacher und habe Kaffee gekauft. Da mußte ich an dich denken. Kennst du Schwetzingen? Sehr schön - in der Nähe findest du mich:-) Liebe Grüße - und dein Garten sieht herrlich aus, Inge

  13. Hiya Silke, cool post and boy are you right about 'seeing in blog'. My family teases when they see me taking photos; asking if it's 'for the blog'. Could I be so transparent? I can't help it I'd rather talk to bloggers than shallow-minded 'physical' people. Hee hee....

  14. I do, indeed, Silke! :) It's kind of odd how that happens now. I think of how certain objects look well together and I take my camera with me everywhere I go. LOL The hubby just loves that!
    Have a great day! xoxo Theresa

  15. Ooh ja! Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf unsere Türkei-Reise und die Bilder, die ich Euch später zeigen kann!

  16. Happens to me ALL the time! :-) It's a fun way to look at the world isn't it?! No wonder they call it a 'Blogosphere'!! LOL "Atmosphere" is not enough mental space! :-))

  17. TOTALLY!!!!!
    I know exactly where you're coming from...
    and the red is a perfect match:-)

  18. Yes, it happens all the time. Sometimes it hard to blog about something, anything and then we see something or run across something interesting like you did today and that stirs our writing creativity. It's beautiful, so colorful. Thanks for sharing Silke. Have a great Friday and weekend. Take care.

  19. Hello! Just popped over from Theresa's blog. Have a happy birthday! Susie xxx

  20. Somebody told me it's your birthday today--so Happy Birthday Silke!!! Hope you have a great day.
    BTW--Love those colors too!

  21. Good morning dearest Silke! Today is a most special day! Happy Birthday, my dearest friend.

    TSUP! TSUP!!!

  22. Beautiful post..I love the is calling out to me. wonderful colorful vingette! I see the magic in is nice to know others the same! sometimes yes i tink in the context of the blog..but mostly for me..i capture something becuase it brings me joy..then there are times i go through my photos and then it sparks an idea for a post..!!

    but mostly i just capture it cuz i feel inspired in the mo.....i will use it for something whether just for me..or creatively to share at some point on a blog.

    and also there are many times I capture feels like a personal special thing for my eyes only.

    some people have asked me to show my whole garden more..but it is actually my sacred little private spiritual spot for i show plants and snippets....but it is my own little world i keep just for me...know what i mean?

    ok..enough babble..have a gorgeous day. I love colors..and magical moments..
