Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bird and Garden News...

I had to interrupt the Atlanta photos with these pictures I snapped of Mama Wren and her brood. They are a little soft looking because I have to take the photos through the glass door. Do you see the worm in her beak?
And the babies huge open beaks in the nest? You can click on the photos for a much larger version.
And off she flies again... I have counted at least three babies! Whenever I open the front door, they start crying for food. So cute!! The chickadees are also busy in the former bluebird house, coming and going constantly - those bird parents work hard!
Then today I discovered this! A big nest over our back porch which makes for a big pile of bird droppings. I'm not sure if I'm happy about this. And I wonder what birds are nesting there...
And .... drum roll please ... our voodoo lily is getting a flower. Here again, I'm not sure if I'm happy about this. It'll be great to document and see, but after reading other people's descriptions of the incredible stench of the flower, I don't know... I guess we'll see (and smell)!
I have so much to share with you, but drawing class is keeping me busy! We are now working on values and shading and another big, BIG project! And I still have to draw eight sketches tonight. Better get busy...

I hope you are all doing well and that none of you were affected by those terrible storms that don't seem to stop... Stay dry and safe!


  1. I love your photos of the little wren!! So sweet. I wonder what kind of critter is in that big nest!

  2. The wrens are darling! I love those little birds!!!
    I almost wonder if the big nest isn't a squirrel nest....unless you've seen the *evidence* on the porch....looks like the squirrel nests we get here.
    I am absolutely, thoroughly, completely JEALOUS of your Voodoo Lily, stench or no! omg....how I would love to have one....
    That just rocks!


  3. Oh my gosh I love your photos of the wren. We have so many birds around us...but I have yet to see a nest:( Only thing we usually have a wren who comes back each year..to her wren house.. but have not seen her yet this year.

    Blessings and don't keep too busy:)

    xoxo Gert

  4. Incredible - to have the wrens so close!

  5. birds are lovely...

    how are you Dearest Silke?
    please forgive me for my lack of visit.
    bu i wont forget you.

    you far away witch friend, Mita.

  6. WOW! Good looking bird shots, Silke! And I can't wait to see the progressive shots of the voodoo lily! :-)

  7. Liebe Silke,

    es hat heute Abend noch mit einem Besuch bei
    dir geklappt.

    Liebe Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  8. Love mama wren and her brood. The only nests I've seen that are that big are squirrel nests - but I'm not 100 percent sure on yours. Love that voodoo lily - looks so pretty. :) Theresa
