Sunday, March 27, 2011

More Photos and Thoughts...

As promised, a few (ok, so more than a few) photos of our recent trip Fort Sumter and Charleston. It was a beautiful day, although just a tad windy as you'll see in some of the photos where we both sport that windblown look...

The boat ride over to the fort takes about 30 minutes and was really our favorite part of the trip - we love being on the water and seeing everything from a different perspective!
The fort itself looks small to us, but considering it's only the ruin that is left, it would have made a formidable fort in its time.

See what I said about that windswept look?

Listening intently to a young woman telling us about the history of the fort.
Daniel with his shoes still on...
and then off! No surprise there - if he could go without shoes at all, he'd be most happy!!
The dolphins were playing around the fort the whole time we were there.

Back in Charleston, we didn't have a whole lot of time this trip, especially since it takes about 2 1/2 hours to drive from Savannah and the same amount of time to get back home. We did have enough time though to eat a sandwich at one of our favorite places.


And we visited this old graveyard that we knew would be gorgeous with the spring flowers, a perfect place to think a bit...
So, the last few weeks were full for us to say the least and whenever that happens, a lot goes through my mind. I sort of lost myself while everything was so busy and had a hard time for a while.
Part of the reason for that was that I didn't take much time for myself, which was my own fault. I realize more and more how much I need quiet time in order to recharge and feel connected to myself and life.
Also, I am become so aware of how sensitive I am to negative energy around me and in this instance to what was being projected in the news. During the time of our visit with family and friends, the earthquake and tsunami happened in Japan among many other upheavals in the world.
I had to put myself on a news diet because I was noticing that I felt an increasing dread of things happening in my life I had no control over. I hadn't felt that much anxiety in a long time.
Everything felt out of control, but nothing was related to what was really going on in my life. Do you know what I mean?
So, this last week I have spent retreating into my cocoon and recharging, setting some new goals for my art and my shops, signing up for the drawing class (I got in and it starts tomorrow!!!), and spending much time with my honey!
Still, many thoughts swirl around my head and I want to share them with you over the next few weeks to get your perspective.
But for now I leave you with these gorgeous flowers and happy wishes for a wonderful Sunday!!
I so appreciate you "listening" and your wonderfully supportive comments. I've been visiting your blogs a little more frequently again and will continue to do so over the next few days...


  1. What a fantastic trip you have been experiencing. All photos welcome. Thanks for taking us along. xox Corrine

  2. Silke,
    I love visiting Charleston. Not only because my son lives there, but it is such a special place filled with history and beauty and tons to do.
    Your photos are spectacular and really show how much you enjoyed your time there.
    The state of our world does give an unsettling feeling, Silke. I do understand what you are saying. We just never know what is going to strike or where. I think the news media has a lot to do with our fret and worry. These things (earthquakes, etc.) have happened all through time - we just didn't hear about them on a daily basis. Seeing the devastation and seeing the people suffer makes it so real, we can't help but feel bad.
    I'm with you on the need for quiet time. I just can't get enough of it.
    Take care, Silke. I look forward to your future thoughts.
    ♥ audrey

  3. Silke, I love the cemetery photos best of all--the old stones, the flowers, the sense of calm.....
    I do not watch nor read news unless forced. It is too overwhelming and I keep things remembered in spiritual practise, so it's not as if forgotten. I just can't stand the news pundits constantly regurgitating assumptions and few facts.
    Your photos are really spectacular.....lots of blog material!!!


  4. Liebe Silke,
    vielen Dank für die Impressionen. Wir alle sind schockiert über das was in Japan passiert ist. Man fühlt sich wie gelähmt. All dieses Elend.Gerade in solchen Zeiten sehnt man sich nach etwas Ruhe und Geborgenheit und denkt über sein eigenes Leben nach.
    LG Sabine

  5. Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts. I know what you mean about being unsettled about world events and tragedies, I don't watch the news for that reason. It is too upsetting for me in general. It might seem naive to hide in my protected world but it is sometimes the best I can do.

  6. Liebe Silke,

    das waren wieder besonders schöne Fotos, mit denen du uns erfreut hast.

    Frohe Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  7. What nice photos Silke! Nice to see the water and those pretty flowers...I know what you mean about having to go on a news diet too. It can really get to you if you let it!!...Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. We're having beautiful weather here too today, and Robins are all over the backyard!! If that's not good for a smile, I don't know what is!!! :-)

  8. what beautiful photos! they make me so happy right now when all i have is cold and colorless outside!

    you live a dreamy life!! xo

  9. Those photos from Charleston brought back memories. My hubby took me around Charleston and to visit Fort Sumter when we were dating (as he lived there at the time). Thanks for sharing all your great photos - you and your sweetie look SO relaxed! Theresa

  10. AWESOME vacation photos! Oh wow, you sure saw and did a lot. All those wonderful smiles with great friends. Priceless! Isn't it nice to know you don't have to travel far to experience a fantastic vacation?

    Have fun at art class. I hope you share some of your assignments with us!


  11. Oh Silke, ich weiß genau was Du meinst. Was in den ersten drei Monaten dieses Jahres schon alles passiert ist - furchtbar. Wahrscheinlich sollte ich das Nachrichten anschauen auch aufgeben. Ich sitze davor wie ein hypnotisiertes Kaninchen und kann all die grauenvollen Neuigkeiten kaum verarbeiten.

  12. Hi Silke. Excellent photos and intense words that I think we are all feeling. I know what you mean about all that is going on and how we "really" have no control of what happens. Anxiety does set in. Just relax and pray for those that have been affected. I enjoyed the cemetary. They are beautiful but of course we aren't ready for that yet, are we?:) Take care dear. Oh by the way, you look great.
