Sunday, September 4, 2011

Color Explosion

Remember how in my last post I said I was craving color? Well, it's pouring out of me, but not through the paint brush (yet), but through my crochet hook.
I'm in a flower frenzy and I can't stop!! Nor do I really want to...
All of these flowers laying around, made me think I needed to reopen my Etsy shop, so I started taking pictures of all my knitted and crocheted creations I had made in the last few months.
I couldn't believe how much there was! Working with my hands like that calms me, but strangely enough the things I make are rarely for me.
I love making scarves, yet I hardly ever wear any myself.
I love knitting hats, yet again - I'm not usually a hat person.
And I love crocheting embellishments like the colorful flowers above, yet I wouldn't use them in anything I make - they bring me joy but are just not my style.
Strange, isn't it?
So, because I want to keep making things, I reopened my Etsy shop a couple of days ago and already sold one of my favorite scarves - a deep turquoise one knitted entirely of recycled sari silk yarn. It was stunning, even if I say so myself!
I've been combining fun yarns and trying new patterns - all for the sheer joy of making things.
You can take a look if you'd like. Simply click here!
Hopefully, soon I will get that same color explosion as I get back to my studio and one of my portraits. I have missed them!!

Wishing you all a color- and peaceful Sunday!


  1. Wow - such an amazing color explosion!!! Your handmade crocheted and knitted creations are absolutely beautiful :)


  2. Sounds like all that drawing made you want to shift gears. These flowers sure are fun - and so colorful. xox Corrine

  3. Die Sachen sehen alle toll aus!

  4. So schön... ich mag auch viele Sachen, die ich selber gar nicht trage. Viel Erfolg beim Verkauf.
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Everything is so beautiful and colorful!! I am CRAZY about all those flowers you are making!! I have this funny mental picture of them just sort of bursting out of you at unexpected moments!!!

  6. Tolle Farben. Ich liebe Schals und trage sie auch sehr gerne. Ich habe soooo viele, aber ich stricke gerade wieder einen. Schals kann man/frau ja auch nicht genug haben:-) Und der nächste Winter wird kommen:-) Schöne Woche, Inge

  7. how fun!! love the crocheted flowers, so pretty in all the colors! my latest project is with a lot of color too, makes me happy!

  8. Hi Silke,
    It's nice to see the flowers! Have been thinking of Savannah lately, and the photos of Tybee looked interesting. I can hardly wait to get back there and explore more!! See you soon! michelle

  9. oh my pretty and so much color, I love it!

  10. truly brilliant! I wish I could crochet like you!
    Happy Weekend-ing!


  11. Oh... I love all the pieces you have made!! You are so talented!!

  12. You are so clever! I am loving the crochet flowers especially!

  13. Awesome, I love all the colored flowers!
    Hugs and blessings
