Friday, March 4, 2016

One Thing at a Time

What a week it's been! I've been somewhat busy, but mostly I've been busy in my mind. Do you know the feeling? A million and one ideas buzzing about, ready to be started, continued or finished. And all of them want my attention at once.
Sometimes I can't believe that I have to do one thing at a time. Of course I can paint and listen to an audio book at the same time, but I have to work on one painting at a time.
Knit on one piece at a time. Cook one meal at a time. Do everything one at a time.
And sometimes that irritates me because it takes time. And I get the feeling that I won't have enough time for the other things. Until I remind myself that I won't get anything done if I don't just do what's in front of me.
No matter how excited I am about the countless ideas that are coming to me right now.
So, I've been making a list for every day. To help me stay focused. And so I won't forget my many ideas.  It seems to work. I've been able to start paintings, finish paintings, start a knitting project and finish it, make meals, write e-mails, work on our taxes, and do all the other things that need to get done.
Being a woman of a certain age, I am pretty sure that hormone fluctuations play a role in how focused or scattered I feel on any given day and that's ok. It's all part of the journey and so far I'm doing well.
Last weekend, we drove to Charleston to see the Toruk performance of Cirque du Soleil. It was a spectacular display of color and movement. I kept taking photos - not because I wanted to remember the show, but because I wanted color references for my paintings.
All that color was projected on the set they had built. It was amazing! It seemed magical how it changed from desert rocks to growing plants to flowing rivers to hot lava to ocean flooding and twinkling stars.
The story was based on the movie "Avatar," which I loved and now have to watch again.
A few days ago, I walked Winslow into a dark and blustery sky that was suddenly illuminated by the sun behind us. I had to snap a quick photo.  As well as of Peabody climbing our tree. Can you see him? He's pretty well camouflaged.
Besides making lists, the other thing that helps me organize my thoughts is knitting. Especially repeat patterns. So, I knit another dishcloth for our kitchen. It was a simple and soothing pattern. I think I might start another one...
I am linking to the always inspiring Paint Party Friday. Head on over for more amazing art and photos!!

In the meantime, I hope you will have a beautiful weekend and a wonderful week ahead.

With love, joy and many lists,



  1. beautiful pictures I'm excited about it ..
    nice your commenced knitted part!
    Gretting from Germany

  2. Haha, zuerst habe ich Peabody im falschen Baum-Foto gesucht - im richtigen habe ich ihn dann sofort gefunden :-)
    Solche Lichtverhältnisse - Wolken und Sonne - faszinieren mich auch immer wieder.

    Listen können wirklich hilfreich sein, wenn man viele Dinge hat, um die man sich kümmern möchte.

  3. So schöne Fotos und Bilder - Der Zirkus muss toll gewesen sein!
    Ja..das kenn ich gut, manchmal hab ich zu viele Ideen und kann mir nichts merken ..dann muss frau Listen schreiben und abhaken!
    Sind sicher unsere Hormone - ich bin in der Vor-Menopause und hoffe nur, dass es dann nicht schlimmer wird, wenn der Wechsel entgültig vollzogen ist...

    Ein schönes Wochenende!

    Liebe Grüße

  4. Oh I know that feeling well Silke, when your mind is cashing cheques your body can't render!
    I've never seen the Cirque du Soleil, but I believe that it's spectacular.
    Gorgeous artwork as usual. I adore the amount of colour you use. It reminds me of my silk painting days.
    Happy PPF to you

  5. Your painyings are always so coloful and attractive. Love them.
    Thanks for great photos, too.
    I also feel knitting being good way to calm mind.
    Have a happy weekend ♥

  6. I'm lost without my lists. I sometimes start lots of paintings at the same time and work on one while another dries because I get impatient but when I sew or knit I definitely have to complete something before I start anything else. The Cirque Du Soleil photos are absolutely stunning. How inspired you must feel after seeing that, wow!xx

  7. Beautiful photos and I love the cat painting.

  8. Oh my, I know JUST what you mean! I also have been a bit here and there and very busy doing quite a few things all at the same time!
    AND I also make dish cloths!! Only I crochet mine, but I find it very relaxing to make these cloths...I drive myself crazy sometimes!!
    AND your paintings just blow me away, the colors and the life in them, just beautiful!!!

  9. Oh girl I hear you!! I love how you are handling it with lists...there is a point where it's hard to focus because of hormones ...but eventually that passes...sometimes it take 10 years though...sorry... Trudge through....I love all the amazing visual vibrancy this week... great idea taking photos of your inspiration!! Carry on, you are doing marvelously!!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. what a gorgeous post... those photos from the show look so painterly... gorgeous... and your painting with the cat in it was amazing

  11. You make me tired just reading what is going on in your brain. LOL
    I understand your "scattered" ideas and love that you are making lists. You know how I feel about your art. Magnificent! I will be in NC June/July. I love it there.
