Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Time is flying. And new art. And observations.

Dear friends, I have so much to tell you and time is just flying by these days. I bought some soy milk the other day with an expiration date sometime in December and was momentarily dumbfounded. Until, that is, I reminded myself that we are nearing the end of October.
What?! Didn't this year just start? This happens to me every year - suddenly we are in a race to the finish. Oh well, fall is here, the weather is gorgeous and all is very well.
Today, I was driving home from running some errands and as I was looking out at the beautiful landscape I suddenly felt this burst of joy bubble up. And right then I realized that I have found my mojo again. I had lost it. Almost completely.
Last year (2013) was so full of anxiety for me that it took this long to recover. I had lost all trust in life. All of it. I was constantly braced for bad news. And I held all of that tension inside. Not a good way to live.
Tucker approves!
This year through vigilant attention to my thoughts, loving care of myself, doing things I enjoy, giving myself permission to actually do the things I enjoy and not feel guilty about it, through taking my attention away from fear and guilt and noticing the beauty that can be found even within the frailty of life - I found my way back to my inner core of happiness. It was always there but I think the tension I held inside of me cut off my access to it.
And I think this joy is bubbling forth into my paintings. They make me happy - painting them and looking at them and sending them into the world. This pretty little dolphin sold as soon as I posted in my store. It's already on its way to its new home...

With much joy and happiness, I wish you a most wonderful week!

P.S. How do you like my messy studio with all the color and paint everywhere? It makes my heart very happy!

P.P.S. We bought that bright red and green vinyl table cloth in Oaxaca, Mexico, one of the most creative places I have ever visited! I was reluctant to go at first not speaking the language, but we've been back four or five times since and it is one of our most favorite places in the world. :)


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Un très joli billet...
    Toutes mes félicitations pour la vente de ce très joli dauphin.
    Mon médecin me disait que chaque matin je devais mettre une pincée d'égoïsme dans ma tasse de thé, ainsi je serais heureuse et je crois qu'il avait parfaitement raison !
    Loin la culpabilité... et l'esprit se sent alors libre de laisser parler son ressenti lorsqu'on est une artiste.
    Je crois que vous avez touchez le point faible. Bravo !
    J'aime votre coin d'atelier. De la peinture qui dynamise votre journée !

    Gros bisous ♡

  2. So happy for you that you have gotten your mojo back again. I think that this is something that happens to all of us at one time or another. Always good to remember how you got it back. Those joy bubbles are nothing to take for granted. Love your art!

  3. Love that dolphin! I'm not surprised that it sold right away.

  4. Happy to see you back on form with bright colours to brighten up your day.

  5. You have definitely found your mojo and your style. Your paintings are colorful and beautiful and a joy to look at!!

  6. Gorgeous! I love the colours, and your lovely cat approves! :)
