Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Finding Happiness, Day 1

Dear friends, my days have been quite full of good things. You know how sometimes you are in a waiting period and then suddenly everything pops at the same time? That's what's happening here. Lots of stuff is going on and it's all good.

For a little while I thought about suspending my blog until the new year, but I think I would really miss it. However, with all that I have going on in terms of creative projects and upcoming travel, it has felt a little overwhelming to think about blogging at the same time.
So, I thought about something I do every day that is inspiring to me and might be to you. Every day I seek to find something that makes me happy, and I try to find it in every situation. I've been doing that for many years and I will continue to do so forever more. It's important to me that I stick with the positive life brings me.

And I want to share that with you on a (pretty much) daily basis. Sometimes it will only be a photo, but I hope often it will be more. Maybe a story connected to the photo. Who knows? We'll all be surprised...

For today, it's this monarch butterfly that keeps eating from our milkweed plant that Daniel planted specifically for the monarchs. Both the butterfly and their caterpillars love this plant! And this year there are many that found it.
I'm linking this to I Heart Macro on the beautiful Laura's blog!

May you find many things that make you happy today!!



  1. Oh, yes! It is a wonderful thing to do & a beautiful thing to share! Thank you!

  2. Silke, I'm glad you are planning to continue blogging. And by all means, we should all be looking for things that make us happy every day of our lives! It's nice to see a Monarch on your site, since there were very few in Maine this summer. I'm not sure if anyone knows why they seemed to disappear.

  3. Bonjour,

    J'aime cette bonne note d'optimisme en ouvrant et lisant votre petit billet...
    Merci aussi pour ces très jolies photos.
    Gros bisous

  4. Dear Silke, your blog should NEVER feel a burden to you, so if you need a break from blogging, by all means take that break.

    As for the everyday happiness - I find plenty to be happy about the moment I open my eyes in the morning, or even before that. For instance, this morning, it was the song of the robin that I heard outside my window, while it was not quite daylight yet.

  5. Liebe Silke,

    das Lob hier unterschreibe ich.

    Alles Gute

  6. Hi Sweetie, I love your idea about "something that makes you happy" posting! I also love the photo of the Monarch, we didn't see a single one this year... that can't be good *sigh* You are the second person to talk about the Monarch's love for milkweed so I think in the spring, if we decide not to move, I will be planting a lot of milkweed just for the butterflies!
    Hugs to you and enjoy the upcoming weekend,
    Beth P

  7. Oh Silke, was ist der Falter für ein Prachtexemplar!

    Begeisterte Grüße


  8. Thanks for sharing the love up-close Silke... I so enjoy it when you join in with I Heart Macro:-)
