Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Evolution of a Painting

12 x 9 inch acrylic painting on canvas
I took a few photos along the way of creating the painting above. I was interested in looking at the photos afterwards and seeing how it all progressed. I thought you might enjoy this as well.
This process is entirely intuitive. I started with a blank canvas, added some doodles in purple and yellow and then a layer of light molding paste in some areas. I let that dry over night. The next day, I added another layer of green gold and nickel azo yellow, both pretty garish colors. So, the above photo already has three layers.
I then added a layer of diarylide yellow (such a pretty color) and cobalt turquoise (photo above). While that was still wet, I worked into it with some titanium white and titan buff (photo below).
After letting all that dry I got totally lost in adding more layers and promptly forgot to take pictures. I added many more colors in transparent layers - yellows, orange, red, turquoise, blues, and maroon. I used brushes, rags and fingers to apply color, smear it around and wipe it off in place. Totally messy and fun!
I let the above version sit overnight again and added a few more layers this morning to come up with the final version of the photo below and the very first photo in this post. Love it!
I've already got the next one started and am two layers into that one. This is the most exciting painting process I have worked in yet. It's totally unpredictable and incredibly gratifying when the painting comes together in the end!

Thanks for visiting! I hope you are having a great week!!



  1. Liebe Silke,

    das sind besonders leuchtende Farben.
    Es ist eine Pracht.

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,

      Dir Farben haben mir auch ganz besonders gefallen. Und wenn ich so in Lagen arbeite, ist es nie sicher wie die Farben am ende aussehen werden...

      Ganz liebe Gruesse,


  2. Totally stunning and visually thrilling to see the process..i love in progress shots..wonderful..they really capture the energy evolving and transforming..this is blissful Silke! The colors are full of power and though they are dancing!
    Gorgeous!! and love the title!

    1. Dear Victoria,

      I love working this way - it is so unpredictable and at the same time really relaxing.

      Thanks for visiting!! :) xoxo Silke

  3. Beautiful! Thanks for the peek into the process!

    1. You are welcome! I took the pictures more for myself at first to look how this kind of painting evolves, but then thought it might be fun to share! I'm glad you liked it! xoxo Silke

  4. I love it!!...especially your color choices! :-)

    1. Thank you!! I loved the colors as well. And somehow by working in layers like that, the colors become even deeper and more vibrant (if I don't use colors that turn to mud when mixed :-)). Hope you are feeling better!! Hugs, Silke

  5. Replies
    1. Your comment made me laugh, Michelle! :) Thank you and welcome back home! Your other home, that is... xoxo Silke

  6. wow your painting is a visual feast for the eyes Silke, wonderful artwork. Annette x

  7. Silke, einfach wunderschön! Schöne Farben - es ist immer eine Freude zu sehen, wie du dich an verschiedenen Stilen ausprobierst. Bin gespannt, wie es weiter geht:-) Übrigens, in Villingen war ich schon. Ein wunderschönes Städtchen. Ich habe sehr gute Erinnerungen daran. Bis bald, liebe Grüße aus Germay:-)
