Lately, we've had a good number of storms and rainy afternoons, evenings and nights. In fact, this morning it is raining as I write this. With all the trees in our yard (10 big trees in a tiny backyard), I am always a little nervous when it gets really windy. The other night, we heard a big crash and when we looked the next morning, a huge branch had fallen down.
We both couldn't believe that it fell between the bird bath and the flower box without damaging anything. Nothing looked like it had been touched. Isn't that amazing? We both like the branch and where it fell, so we are going to leave it there.

I love the flowers, the trees, the veggies, the birds and everything else in our yard, but what I get most excited about are toads, frogs, snakes and lizards. I've shown pictures before of the toads and frogs. Here's a little snake Daniel found one day. It's a harmless, but pretty little snake that was living in one of our flower beds.

These we see fairly regularly. They are glass lizards - lizards without legs. The difference between them and snakes (I think) is that they have eye lids and little ear openings. In any case, I think they are beautiful!

In our three years here, I've only seen one poisonous snake when I was walking out by the YMCA - and someone had to point it out to me. It was a gorgeous copperhead peacefully sunning itself well off the path. I went to get a good look and was really sorry I didn't have my camera with me. What a stunning creature! Do you ever find unusual wildlife in your yard?
Before I get back to my art, I want to put in a shameless plug for my dear friend and wonderful sister-in-law, Patti's, new
website. Patti has been a gifted vedic astrologer (you can read more about that on her website) for over ten years. She has a highly analytical mind (for many years, she was a very successful software engineer), while being extremely intuitive and insightful at the same time. She has done readings for both Daniel and me and all I can say is WOW! If you or anyone else is ever in need of gentle yet powerful guidance, she might be just what you are looking for. Her business is called
Lightspirited Being and that's exactly what she is!
Well, it's still raining and I am heading up to my studio to work on my art. I finished my aunt's painting yesterday and will send it off today. I am so pleased with it!! As soon as she has received it, I will post a picture on the blog! Tomorrow, I should have more art to show you...