Thursday, October 4, 2012

About Painting

Painting used to be something that Daniel did ever since I've known him, but not me. Until a little more than three years ago when I suddenly felt I needed to start painting as well. I had no training and didn't know what to paint. So I raided Daniel's art supply closet and painted my blog header, my very first painting.
8" x 10" acrylic painting
After that I thought about what I could paint and at the time, many of the bloggers and artists I was looking at for inspiration painted women portraits and so I started as well. And I love painting portraits - seeing a face come together and suddenly look back at me - that's an amazing feeling.
But somehow painting something so concrete has made me very insecure about my art. Is it any good? Do others like it? Does it look right? Is it too folksy? Is it too boring? How is the composition? Does the nose look like a real nose?

And somewhere inside me, I felt the need to just paint by intuition, not by design.
Bright Spot
5" x 7" acrylic painting
That's what I've been doing lately.  I've just been painting by feeling. Using colors that appeal to me in the moment. Working layer upon layer upon layer. Painting with brushes, rags and my fingers. Painting on paint and wiping it off. Scraping it off. Painting it on again. Wiping it off again. And having a lot of fun in the process.
And getting totally lost in the process. Quieting that busy brain of mine. Allowing any problems that were occupying my mind to solve themselves. Allowing my emotions to pour onto the canvas and show up as something beautiful. To me.
8" x 10" mixed media painting
I let each of the paintings sit overnight several times and then worked on them again, taking much longer than my usual process. Sometimes I'd turn them around, allowing myself to be surprised and taken into new directions. And then suddenly, it would all come together and I know that the painting is complete.
When I was younger, I tried to do a lot of meditation to quiet my mind (it tends to run away and get overly anxious) but it was hard exactly because of my busy mind! This right here - painting - that is my meditation. My sister and I were talking about that just yesterday. It totally helps us to quiet down and allow problems to solve themselves.

I think anyone who can pick up a paint brush (or a pen or pastel chalk or whatever) and has the desire to use it, can make art. It may not be the best by others' standards, but it will be your very own expression of the world as you see and feel it. And nobody else has that same perspective, right? Plus, it's incredibly fun!

P.S. I've not participated in a while, but wanted to again link to the wonderful Paint Party Friday - where art is always fun!



  1. " others' standards" is precisely what art is NOT about - therefore, just go along with where each journey with each of your paintings take you, Silke!
    And you already KNOW from all the comments you are getting on your blog that many, many others don't just "like" your art - they LOVE it :-)

    1. Thank you so much, Meike! I know just what you mean - art is and should always be personal. I try to remember that... I always love your visits! xo Silke

  2. Liebe Silke,

    ich freue mich immer wieder über deine Kunstwerke.

    Alles Liebe


    1. Das freut mich, liebe Elisabeth!

      Und ich freue mich immer ueber deine lieben Kommentare.

      Dir alles Liebe, Silke

  3. Ja, natürlich möchte man, dass die Dinge, die man schön findet auch anderen gefallen. Und wer will schon entscheiden, ob das Kunst ist oder nicht? Viel wichtiger ist doch, dass du dich beim "Tun" gut fühlst und eine schöne Zeit hast. Und jede Zeit birgt neue Ideen und gibt dir die Möglichkeit, dich neu zu erfahren..Schöne Bilder..Eine weiterhin kreative und gute Zeit...

    1. Genau zu der Einsicht komme ich auch langsam! Ich glaube wir sind darin geuebt, die Meinung der anderen Menschen mehr zu schaetzen als die eigene. Und bei Kunst ist das eigentlich unmoeglich. Es ist so sehr persoenlich. Ich freue mich immer ueber deinen Besuch bei mir!! Alles Liebe, Silke

  4. Thanks for this post. It really speaks to me. I've wanted to create things (paint, sketch, sew, etc...) all my life, but am always afraid that it won't be "right" when I've finished the project, so I've not done it. I'm getting past that feeling now. I'm working on doing things just to do them, to see what works for ME - not for others. For me, weeding the garden seems to work as meditation & hand washing dishes. :-)

    1. I know just what you mean, Laura! I was sewing a little purse the other day and even though it was beautiful, I thought afterwards how it still doesn't look all professional. And then I thought I really need to love that about the things I make. That they look like they are made by me with that personal touch! Here's to creating without self-judgement!! Hugs, Silke

  5. Hi Silke..HUgs♥...What a beautifully written post full of pure heart and spirit and a tribute to the true artist within us all! powerful insights...well said..I agree..we are kindreds in that way! Your paintings you shared today..are blissful and magical..gorgeous works!Horizon is peaceful to me..and my fave is Bright Spot..woah! I feel a Being standing inside that painting! and icy is magical and touchable!
    I too..paint for me..i enjoy it and the inner experience it creates for me.. and it does not matter if anyone likes it or approves etc..I just fly with the bliss of it all and let my paintings be whatever they wish to become! Unconditional -painting-love!
    Beautiful post..hugs friend!

    1. Thank you so much, Victoria! For your words about my paintings and also what you said about your paintings. You know, it really shows that you paint for your own bliss - I just love your paintings! And it always uplifts me when you come by here to visit... Hugs, Silke

  6. Very insightful post! Your art is so calming and beautiful!! Every artist I know has's the oddest thing how critical we are of ourselves. Many musicians are the same.. go figure!!

    I could never quiet my busy mind either until I started doing art. I get lost and time is elusive... Thanks for sharing!! I always start the ppf list backwards!! So glad I did!!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Thank you so much, Giggles!

      You know, when you come to visit, just reading you name makes me smile! :) You are so right, I think we all have our doubts - especially if we put our art out there for people to see.

      Hugs, Silke

  7. Enjoyed reading about how you feel about art. As somebody once said to me.........its only a piece of paper, just enjoy the process. Its all a fab adventure and its all your own. Happy PPF, Annette x

    1. Hi Netty,

      That is so true! All of these paintings I did on top of other paintings. And they were paintings I liked when they were finished. But now they wanted to be something else. It's only paper (or canvas)!

      Hugs, Silke

  8. I love that feeling of being completely absorbed in the process of painting!
    Loving the atmospheric perspective in this painting!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

    1. Thank you, Mary! I love that feeling of getting lost in the painting process as well - it's the best!!

      Happy PPF and Sunday!

      xo Silke

  9. Hallo Silke, was für schöne Bilder. Malen bei uns beschränkt sich heute auf gelbe Farbe im Kinderzimmer. Nicht sehr kreativ aber dringend nötig. Liebe Grüße

  10. What a great post!! It is very easy to fall into the trap of the inner critic when it comes to our art. You are brave to identify that and step back and just let yourself create in a way that pleases your soul. It is true that art can be very meditative when you just let go. Beautiful painting. Keep on this track, it suits you well. Happy PPF

    1. Thank you, Marji!

      Yes, that inner critic seems to come out to play frequently. I'm trying to ignore it and paint what I feel. That seems to be the only thing to do, right?

      Happy PPF and thanks for visiting!!

      xo Silke

  11. mmmmm love this especially the "Bright Spot" piece.
    Looks like you were having a Paint Party too....happy PPF to you!!

    1. Thank you!! :) Yes, it seems to be a paint party every day these days...

      Happy PPF to you!! xo Silke

  12. Love your paintings, especially the three top ones, really beautiful! HPPF!

  13. Many thoughts you express here sound very familiar to me. In the end I think art is deeply personal. "by others' standard" is not what defines good art (what the heck is "good" art?). I very much like your "horizon" painting - it's beautiful and reminds me of Norddeutschland.

    1. Thank you, Carola!

      You are so right about art being so very personal. I think that's why it becomes difficult sometimes to put it "out there."

      Yes, I also had to think of northern Germany when I painted Horizon!

      xoxo Silke

  14. Silke- I think these are amazing paintings-- every bit as wonderful as your beautiful ladies-- just in a different way! I'd love to see them all in a display together-- I think they are fabulous!

    1. Vicki, you are the BEST!!

      Thank you so much for your always kind comments!!

      Hugs, Silke

  15. I think your paintings are beautiful and I enjoyed reading your words. They have a depth and ethereal quality I think. I like the way you layer textures and colours and i like the spontaneity. When you have orange work I would really like you to share your work on Mandarin Orange Monday:)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comments!! I will let you know if and when I end up with an orange work. Each one of those have orange on one of the layers, except in the end it was painted over...

      Happy Sunday! xo Silke

  16. It doesn't matter if your art is loved or understood by others. As long as you like what you do. Happy belated PPF!
