Friday, November 1, 2013

Today in the garden...

Here I thought it would be easy to post something every day but, alas, life has been busy around here. Add to that some trouble with the laptop, which is getting old and behaving in often unpredictable ways, and blogging has seemed more difficult than normal. This trusty laptop might need to be replaced soon.

Consequently, I'm posting this from the iPad, on which I am somewhat (make that very) clumsy with the typing, but I shall prevail! 

Today, in my search for the happy moment of the day, I came across this beauty in our front yard. It stopped me in my tracks and begged to have a photo taken.
I wish I knew how to make the photo larger in the Blogger App, but I haven't figured that one out yet.

November has begun with a very warm and humid day as we are waiting for a storm system to approach. It will likely bring thunderstorms and rain and then much more seasonable temperatures for tomorrow and next week,

I hope November has started well for all of you. 

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