Saturday, November 2, 2019

Checking in...

Hi there! I just wanted to drop in and say that I'm still here. Working full-time really has not allowed me much time for blogging and even my art! However, we've done some traveling since I last wrote. During the summer we went to Germany and a couple of weeks ago to Washington, DC (that's where this photo was taken).
I'm going to get my photos organized and post them soon. Especially those from Germany - we visited some new and beautiful places!

For now, I've committed to getting my studio set up to make more art. I've been at my job now for a year and LOVE it! I've also become familiar with it enough to free up mental space to get back to my art. Luckily I work in an art and design university, which has me surrounded by art and creativity all day long. Still, I miss my own art!

I hope you have all been doing well!
