Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 Coming to a Close

Dear friends, as the year is drawing to a close and we have returned from our travels, I wanted to write just a few lines to tell you how much I appreciate you accompanying me on my life journey. 
This last year has not been easy for me. Objectively seen, it wasn't so bad at all, but then our own lives are never "objectively seen" by us, are they? Our experience is always highly subjective. My year started out on a very anxious note and I didn't feel that anxiety drop away from me until now.
I felt like I held my breath all year, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's all just life happening, I know, but some parts of life are easier for me to handle than others. Just sayin'!
In early December we left on our yearly cruise with my dad and also Daniel's uncle, who had introduced us all to cruising in the first place. It was wonderful! The weather was warm and beautiful, the ocean was moving and rocking us gently, the food was amazing, and we even got to experience a light show or two traveling through some thunderstorms near Panama.
I enjoyed every moment of it, recovering from a persistent cold that had snagged me just before Thanksgiving and finding back to myself. I read and knitted, ate and slept, went exploring and saw new places.
And all through it I marveled at the ocean and how it could be so beautifully blue and green.
Now back in Savannah, my dad has left for Germany (he arrived back home just in time for Christmas) and Daniel has also flown to Europe, where he'll be teaching in France for the next three months. I get to have two months by myself here at home before I join him in Europe at the end of February to see my family and do some traveling with Daniel.

I intend to use those two months alone as the gift that they are, to find back to center, to be creative and to engage in some serious self care. And to write and share in my blog, and use this time to set a different tone for 2014. Less anxiety and more balance. Much more balance.
2014 promises to be a very different year for us, much lighter and with some really fun events on the horizon which I intend to share with you. And with that, a toast to you for a Very Happy New Year! May 2014 bring you closer to all that you desire.

I'm grateful that you are a part of my life!
