Tuesday, January 15, 2013


... two more postcards are being mailed to find new homes! Whenever I paint on a "serious painting," I now take the leftover paint and apply it to a blank postcard. Fast and without thinking too much.
And the marks on it were becoming to difficult to figure out, so I put the pen in my left hand (I'm right-handed)  and made my marks that way. Very fun to do and I think it looks interesting. 
And I just went outside and snapped a few pictures for you of what is happening in our January garden.
The weather has been amazingly spring like and if that continues, everything will be blooming and growing in no time!

Happy Tuesday greetings from Savannah! Wishing you all a sunny day!



  1. Those beautiful flowers make me long more than ever for spring - but I'm afraid I'll have to survive at least another two months of cold and snow before that... :-)

  2. Liebe Silke,

    dein Blog ist ein Gedicht.

    Herzliche Grüße


  3. Silke,
    The postcards and colorful and fun!! Your flowers are gorgeous!!! We are finally getting badly needed rain ~ 2 days of it. I hope it goes away now and returns to either nice weather or snow.
    Happy day!!!!
    audrey xo

  4. Deine Malerei gefällt mir liebe Silke.
    Weißt du noch, meine "Schöne", die du mir geschenkt hast, hat ähnliche Farben. Ich liebe sie immer noch heiß und innig.
    LG Sabine

  5. Silke!! I LOVE those postcards! I especially love the second one! Very cool!

    Beautiful flowers! We are expecting snow tonite after a 50 degree day yesterday. Very strange weather this year.

    Thanks for the email! We will catch up soon! xo

  6. It would have to be mid-summer for us to have these in bloom. It's two inches of snow here at the moment!

  7. Silke! I love my postcard!! Thank you sooooo much! It was perfect and made me smile so big on such a crappy day!
