Saturday, November 10, 2012

Baking ... a lot!

Lately, I have felt unsettled. Really unsettled. I think it started with the storm and all that wind we had, the tree falling and needing to be cut down. Then I think I tuned into all the anxiety around the election, then there was the day the dog found us and we didn't know what was going to happen to him. Add to that a few other things that are going on, and I was all nerves and anxiety. 

So, what do I do to get my groove back? I bake. And this time I baked a lot - for us now and for the freezer for later. First some of my favorite christmas cookies. I blogged about them here (with a link to the recipe and changes we make to it). They are delicious!! 
Then I got the recent issue of the german Landlust Magazine and had to try one of their cookie recipes. I'll make it again, somewhat modified, and if they are really good, I'll share the recipe with you all.
Then I made my favorite fast bread recipe,
made from spelt flour and lots of seeds.
It is quick to make, a super grainy German bread, and freezes exceptionally well. I blogged about it here (with the link to the recipe in German and English).
And, since that didn't quite seem enough (just kidding!), I also made my favorite slow bread recipe. The kind that rises and rises again and takes a lot of time to make, and is all yeasty goodness when it's baked.
Here's the link to the recipe. It is a fluffier bread than the one above (which is more like a brick, but a delicious brick) and makes the perfect toast or sandwich bread. It also freezes great.
And finally there was the pumpkin pie from last week. There were a couple of requests for the recipe, so I have some links for you. The pie crust I used, I shared with you in this post.  It's super easy, but you can always use a store-bought crust for this if you are not into making your own. And the pie filling recipe I found here. Super duper easy and very good!
Yesterday I baked all day and today I pretty much sat on the couch crocheting on the afghan I am making. Both the baking and crocheting are restoring my center once again. I am hoping for a much calmer week next week!

And I wish that for you as well!

P.S. Thank you all for your sweet comments on my last post! I am so happy the dog is back with his owners and it all had a good ending. Your comments and concern really helped keep me calm! I can't tell you how much I appreciated that!



  1. Your house must have been a scented paradise on your mega-baking day, Silke :-)
    It all looks and sounds lovely, and I can't wait for my Mum to start her Christmas cookie baking - of course, I could make my own, but they are just never the same as when my Mum makes them...

  2. Hallo Silke, lieben Dank für das Rezept. Das wird gleich nächste Woche ausprobiert. Der Teig wird selbstverständlich "selbst" gemacht:-) Ich freue mich schon darauf. Ich kenne das Gefühl, welches du beschreibst auch. Ab und an kommt es angeflogen, aber es geht vorbei, besonders dann, wenn man sich schönen Dingen widmen kann, die dann auch noch lecker sind. Dann hat man den Körper und die Psyche verwöhnt. Liebe Grüße aus dem herbstlichen, regnerischen Deutschland, liebe Grüße, Inge

  3. Liebe Silke,

    ich wünsche dir viel Kraft und Zuversicht.

    Alles Liebe


  4. That's it.
    I'm moving to YOUR HOUSE, and I am moving in on a BAKING DAY..... ;-D
    OMG!!! My mouth is watering Silke...lovely, lovely baked goods!
    And I? I am too lazy to do more than dinner.

