Monday, June 18, 2012

Wildlife News

Life has been less than wild at the Powers household. First Daniel and then I caught summer colds. Not fun! But luckily, they came on fast and were gone just as quickly. Still, the energy level was rather low for a while...
The weather has been glorious though and we spent much time outside. It is unheard of in mid-June for us to be able to turn the air conditioning off and open the windows. But that's exactly what's been happening here this year.
So, here are some beautiful animals that have been visiting our small back yard and our neighborhood. Normally, we don't get to see the green herons. They like to roost way up in the pine trees and usually the view is blocked by the oak tree canopy in our garden. But the one in the photos above posed beautifully for us for a while!
This little blue jay baby came to visit as well. He sat on our porch unafraid.
That was a few days ago. By now, the baby is much bigger and the whole family comes to our bird feeder and entertains us several times a day.
Last night, Daniel spotted this very cute baby raccoon trying to get comfortable on our neighbor's swing set.
I just love their little faces!!
In my next post, I'll have some garden news and after that I'll also have some art to share again. I've been working on a drawing that is taking a good bit of time.

I hope you all had a great weekend and wish you a good start into this summer solstice week!


  1. Liebe Silke,

    diese Fotos erwärmen das Herz.

    Sonnige Grüße


  2. The baby raccoon is very cute indeed! And so is the baby jay. How nice of the green heron to pose for you :-)

  3. Goodness, it's as if you live in an animal reserve!! All the babies are so adorable. Raccoons are so darn cute with those faces. I used to love the Ellen commercial where the raccoon did her make up (like his eyes) and she asked, do you think it's a little heavy here....
    Glad your cold was short and your spring is long!
    **blows kisses** Deb

  4. hi silke, tis the season to be busy and preoccupied and astonished. how wonderful that you have these animals and birds to keep you and daniel company. i love when there are visitors in my yard and neighborhood

    looking forward to seeing what's new artistically :^)


  5. Merci pour ce merveilleux reportage photographique de ce qui se passe dans votre jardin...
    Ce raton laveur est sublime. En France nous n'avons pas de raton laveur. J'aime aussi le masque autour de leurs yeux.
    En revanche dans mon jardin j'ai un couple de geais. J'adore cette photo où le petit semble se cacher. Belle capture.
    Et ce héron vert est vraiment superbe...
    Un réel plaisir que de visiter votre publication.

    Gros bisous à vous.

  6. Great shots! Love that baby raccoon...too cute!

    Greetings from Germany
