Friday, we spent a rainy morning at the Savannah Wildlife Refuge just across the state line in South Carolina. We weren't sure if we'd see anything because of the rain, but we ended up seeing quite a bit and got some great photos. If you want to see any of them bigger, just click on them! In the picture above, I loved the rainy scene, but there also is an alligator sticking his head out of the water.
A gorgeous waterbird kept fluttering by the side of the road - a Purple Gallinule.

Here a small alligator is hiding between the pieces of wood in the water, perfectly camouflaged! I also love the water reflections.

A nosy turtle kept sticking its head above water to look at us. You can just see some of the pattern on its shell under water.

A harmless snake Daniel found next to the road.

A Great Blue Heron and an alligator.

Another heron in the tree.

A perfectly visible alligator in front of some beautiful water lilies.

A huge gator trying to catch some rays when it finally stopped raining!

And two brave friends daring to get out of the car to see the wildlife up close and (not too) personal...

Tomorrow, I'll post some beautiful photos we took in Savannah last week and today! It's great playing tourist along with our visitors - it makes us realize every time that we live in a gorgeous city in a beautiful area!
Hope you all had a great weekend!