Friday, January 27, 2012

This morning...

You are probably starting to wonder what's with the eggs-in-a-bowl photos... Well, a little while ago, an egg had broken in the container and so I put the remaining eggs in a pretty bowl.

It made me remember that growing up we never had our eggs in an egg carton, but always in a basket or a bowl or - later on - a wire basket that looked like a chicken. They look so much prettier out of their normal container, don't you think?

A simple joy. That's what that is for me.

And here are some others:
✼ taking Winslow for a walk in the dark this morning
✼ Ramses coming with us for half the walk and then waiting for us to return
✼ fresh air that smelled to me of mornings in Germany when I was growing up
✼ the wind in the tree tops
✼ owls hooting somewhere nearby
✼ a hot cup of tea next to me
✼ snuggling back into bed and blogging for a while
✼ getting inspired with every one of your blogs I visit
✼ reading and loving every comment you leave me
✼ my knitting waiting patiently for the few rows I knit every morning
✼ a whole day ahead to do with as I please...

Wishing you a day filled with simple joys! 


  1. Hi Silke!I just saw you on a blog I visit.I followed you way back when,lol.Im writings on rose petals,but since changed it to chittychatcat.Im back and hope to foolow along your interesting blog again.

    Happy weekend ahead.Blessings!

  2. Oh I love your list Silke, owls hooting, me too, and walking pups always. xox

  3. Good morning friend-
    It really is the little things in life that are the most precious. I love that you treasure life's smallest pleasures. I hope you and Daniel are doing well. ( still waiting for cruise photos!!)

  4. What a beautiful post (and beautiful eggs, my goodness)! I'm richer for having read it -- thank you!

    And your previous with the daffodils?! OMG! It's been in the high 50's here and I've been wondering if winter's on it's way out. Maybe!

  5. holas como estas

    lindo e interesant blog che

    bueno che te dejo

    nos vemos suerte


  6. I love the photo of the eggs in the bowl! I grew up in the south and had to collect eggs from the hen house as a kid. There was no egg carton! LOL Usually we just wrapped them up in a dish cloth until we got them inside and washed them off!...Ahh Yes! Simply chicken pleasures! ^_^ Nice post, Silke!

  7. Well, they just look so much nicer in that bowl! I just keep them in the carton.

    Love your gratitude lists Silke! I so need to start my own. You are always an inspiration!


    Cathy xoxo

  8. I used to have a red coated wire egg basket for collecting eggs; it had a cone shape up the center so the weight of the eggs wouldn't crack any.
    I even liked the old crinkly cardboard egg cartons, but hate the new ones. The eggs always come out when I get them home. Ick. They make squeaky noises......
    Here's to baskets and bowls!


  9. Love your list. I always feel so much better reading your blog. thank you for what you do.

  10. Liebe Silke,

    ein herzlicher Gruß

