Saturday, January 3, 2015

On Joy

I had mentioned already that I am using Leonie Dawson’s wonderful planner to make a guiding plan for 2015.  The reason I like it so much is that it is very down-to-earth and practical while being incredibly fun, colorful and also a little esoteric, which of course is right up my alley.

For one of the exercises Leonie has you pull an oracle card for each month and make a note of the theme for the month. I loved it! For January, mine is:
With that in mind, I’ve been painting and realizing the different aspects of joy many of the animals represent to me. Not all joy is lough out loud funny. Some is deep and quiet, some moments of joy feel like you are bubbling over, others as though you could take off like a bird.
That’s what this first painting represents. Those moments of joy that make you feel light and energized and as though you could spread your wings and take off!
I find that as I get older my moments of joy are somehow becoming more intimate. That’s the best I can describe it. I no longer want to shout it all out to the world, but I want to savor every second to the fullest.
Flying High
acrylic painting on 12 x 12 inch canvas
Available in my Etsy Shop
Most of the time, I notice that I see or hear or sense something that makes me feel as though my body cannot possibly contain my joyful spirit. It’s an amazing sensation that I keep wanting to hold on to, but that’s not possible. As with anything in life, our emotions wax and wane.
And throughout all of it, I love that those moments of joy are here to lift us up and allow us a moment or two of feeling as though we could fly! I hope your days will be filled with them!!

With love and joy,

P.S. I'm adding watermarks to my digital images since I'm hearing more and more stories of images being misused and reproduced without the artist's permission. All of my original paintings will of course be without a watermark! 


  1. Liebe Silke,

    das ist in wunderschöner Post.

    Sonnige Grüße

  2. Joy is what we all strive for and you are blessed with much of it. The waxing and waning is an essential part of joy for we would never appreciate those moments without an understanding of sans joy. Your paintings bring me joy ans I know they must you. Joy is so personal and that is what makes it so achievable ... it is the choices we make that take us there. Seems to me you are making some splendid choices in your life and it is taking you to where you aspire to be. Good for you, Silke. It couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

    Andrea @ From The Sol
    P.S. Please tell me how you make your watermarks. I need to do the same, but don't know the process. Thank you ...

  3. JoY Indeed!!! I truly love each new direction your art takes you.


  4. Joy!
    I like the way you think!
    Oh heck, I like everything you do!!

  5. Thanks, Kay! You are so kind! And you make me smile!! I hope you are doing well!!

  6. Thanks, Andrea! You are so right - the feeling of joy and what produces it in us is so individual, isn't it? And that's wonderful at the same time!! I sent you an e-mail about the watermarks. xo

  7. Thanks, Alexandra! It's so fun to have you visit and comment! I'm off to see what you've been up to now...
