Thursday, June 6, 2013

Seeing Myself

I'm currently taking an online class on willowing.ning called "Radical Wellness". Many participants are taking the class to eat better and lose weight, but my focus is different. I want to learn to love my body again - this middle-aged body - as it is! Not as it used to be or as it could be, if... - but as it is now. Who know that this would be such a difficult goal.
The journal page above is from one of the exercises for the class. The drawing is only loosely based on a photo of me and then the photo on the left of the piece was taken just a few days ago. I did an image transfer with it, which gives it that more transparent look.

That piece of artwork and my recent visit to the Frida Kahlo exhibit in Atlanta gave me the idea of doing a series of self portraits.
Just to learn to look at myself through my own eyes again - with kindness. To look at my face as a whole and not just notice the pimple on my chin (which magically didn't make it into my drawing...) or the lines around my eyes.
I want to release that critical inner voice that is forever telling me what is wrong with me, what I have to  change, what I "should be" doing.
On a different note, we were supposed to be in Florida (in the Tampa area) right now for a mini vacation, but decided to postpone due to Tropical Storm Andrea. And a good decision that was! We are getting plenty of rain here in Savannah from the storm and will through tomorrow. And now I have plenty of time for making art!

I hope my German readers and friends are not affected by the incredible flooding in parts of Germany. I've been following it on the internet over the last few days and hope that the flood waters will recede soon!

Wishing you all a beautiful Thursday!



  1. Liebe Silke,

    tadellos gelungen.

    Alles Liebe


  2. Liebe Silke,
    ich bin sehr beeindruckt von deinem Selbstportrait. Wunderschön ♥
    LG Sabine

  3. Oh Silke, this is an amazing piece!! The picture of you is expressing alot of emotion and the transfer makes it almost appear ghostly. Love it!!

    The sketches are fabulous! So happy you are enjoying the class!

    Happy to hear you are safe at home even though you had to postpone your trip. Looking forward to seeing more of these self portraits!


  4. Hey Silke!
    Those sketches are very,very good.
    You are BEAUTIFUL! Full Stop, as they say in England (we say PERIOD, I don't know why they say FULL STOP!)
    I did wonder how much rain you will be getting in Savannah, it looks like a LOT. Take care and keep being creative!

  5. Thankfully, no floods can reach my hometown; the river is too far down in the valley for that. But I do get the news, of course, and am sorry for everyone who lost their homes and everything.

    Your self-portraits are wonderful, Silke. They show a beaufitul lady who has nothing wrong with her face! (As for pimples, they come and go, don't they...)

  6. Liebe Silke,

    es ist wunderschön und sehr gelungen. Da musste ich direkt an mein ersten Selbstporträt in der 9. (?) Klasse denken. Das war eines der wenigen, auf denen man sofort erkannte, um wen es sich handelte. Ich sollte wirklich mal wieder zeichnen.

    Allerbeste Grüße


  7. What is that demon that follows us around telling we should be something else than what we are? It is all about judging, which my 50+ years have taught me never has a positive outcome yet continue on I do! Perfection does not exist so why on earth do we strive for it... as the Dalai Lama explains we only have this moment in which we are... all else is memories or the future... so what is our problem? Let me know if you figure it out before I do!!! :D
    Beth P

  8. I love the first painting. It is very mysterious and intriguing. Beautiful work.
