Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring has arrived!

Spring is finally here with sunshine and warm weather and colors in the yard. Of course with the sun the weeds are growing as well, but even this yellow dandelion is beautiful in the spring.
Finally I get to bring cut flowers inside from the yard again to enjoy!
And we get to admire this young osprey pair (Fischadler auf deutsch) that has built a nest in our neighborhood, right by a bigger pond. If you click on the photo, you can see it much bigger. The nice thing is that osprey usually mate for life and use the same nest year after year.
I hear that it is still quite cold in many parts of the US and Europe as well, but I hope that spring is arriving for all of you waiting for it!



  1. How lucky you are to have the osprey nesting in your yard!

  2. Liebe Silke,

    sonnige Sonntagsgrüße


  3. Wie schön liebe Silke ♥
    Ganz liebe Grüße aus good cold Germany

  4. Dear Silke,
    I was so excited to see your photo of the ospreys! We saw one for the first time last April at Arabia Mountain, beside the lake there and we were so happy to see them!
    I love the paintings that you have been doing lately, they are lovely!
    Happy Spring to you, we will be melting in the heat very soon!

  5. The ospreys certainly add to the appeal of your neighbourhood, Silke!
    Spring is still 3-4 weeks behind here, but it is definitely on its way. We had a sunny Sunday, and everyobdy made the most of it and headed out to the fields, including ourselves.

  6. The ospreys are magnificent! I love the contrast of the pink flowers and the skulls in your still life. It is warm enough in Maine today that I can get outside -- although the sun is MIA. ☺

  7. Spring has arrived here in the New York area. We literally went from winter coats to shorts in one day! Well the teen-agers are out in shorts - me I am hanging on to my jacket just in case. I am glad you included the dandelion in your photolog; I find them quite lovely too.
    Waving at you from New York

  8. Yes, it's finally arriving... beautiful flowers!

  9. Hi Silke- such beautiful spring flowers and pictures! My spirits have soared now that spring has arrived where we live!! Mowed grass for the first time yesterday-/ oh happy day!!!

  10. Hi Silke, thought I would drop by and say hi. Lovely photos. We have a little green, but no flowers yet, it snowed last week, but we have sun today :-). Annie, xoxo
