Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One-Point Perspective Landscape Drawing

Forsyth Park, Savannah
Pencil on 18 x 24 inch drawing paper
Here it is! My, that was a lot of work. I changed a couple of things this morning and wasn't able to take another picture, but this is close enough.

I've got to get ready for class (and the critique) this morning. It'll be interesting to see everyone else's work. We were scattered throughout the park, so I didn't see many works in progress. I'll update this blog post later today to let you know the feedback I got!

In the meantime, I wish you a great day!!


Well, it was great seeing everyone else's drawings. All different in style, some striking, some delicate and all of them good. Plus, I really like the group of students in my class - very fun, supportive and easy with one another.

My professor had me change one minor thing (more dark value on the concrete in the foreground) and now it's going up on the display wall in the hallway along with a couple of others. How exciting is that?!?

Today, in class we also talked about our last two projects - and we only have two weeks left! Yikes!!!


  1. Du hast nicht zuviel versprochen. Sehr hübsch.
    LG Sabine

  2. All your hard work paid off -- it looks great!

  3. Well - you will certainly come back to find a lot of good feedback in the comments. Excellent work and I love the shadows on the path.

  4. your pencil drawing turned out beautifully! savannah has such interesting and unique landscapes for sketching!
    have a great day!

  5. Ich bin ein Fan von Bleistiftzeichnungen und finde es sehr gelungen. Das war bestimmt nicht einfach, alle Feinheiten aufs Papier zu bringen.

    Herzliche Maigrüße


  6. Wow, Silke, really nice!!!! Amazing detail. No wonder you are enjoying the class so much.
    ♥ audrey

  7. oh my my my my!

    and wow wow wow wow!

    a drawing to be very (very very) proud of. i think you were learning about perspective, but boy boy boy it seems you aced the textures

    yay (yay yay)


  8. Very nice Silke. Wow! What a difference from your faces to landscape. Beautiful.

  9. This is wonderful! Congrats on "being" on the display wall! :)

  10. Liebe Silke,

    das ist Kunst im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes.

    Frohe Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  11. I LOVE ALL OF YOUR DETAILS...BUT I HAVE TO AGREE...THE FOREGROUND NEEDS TO BE darker as things get lighter as they recede into the background distance!

    keep drawing!

    ciao bella


  12. I recognized it right away so that is really something! We were unable to make it that first weekend due to weather, but did come down the following although I was sick with allergies. It was a short, sweet trip, but whats not to love about Savannah?!

  13. Very good, only two weeks left, my your class has gone by fast.

  14. Wow - you did a great job! I'm so proud of you, Silke. You are doing great! Theresa

  15. O wow Silke! Your drawing is amazing! I can't figure out where I would even start tackling a piece like that. SUPER!

  16. Liebe Silke, das ist richtig gut geworden! Ich finde das Zeichnen außerordentlich schwer. Aber früher oder später kommt man als Maler nicht drum herum;-)) Liebe Grüße von Luzia.
