Sunday, December 30, 2012


I was simply overjoyed by your comments on my last blog post and all the good wishes for the new year. After such a long-ish break, I wasn't sure I was still on anyone's radar... I am grateful to all of you!

I've started making some fast and small art, a tag and a postcard in this case. Some people like to paint in their art journals, I like to make my art in a format that can leave home and live elsewhere.
Send me an e-mail (link is on my sidebar)  with your address if you'd like to get one of these small creations in the mail (snail mail that is) at some point. I will be making many more throughout the coming months. They'll all be different, so let yourself be surprised by the one you receive...

It's just a small token of my appreciation for your friendship!

It is a cold morning here (cold for Savannah, that is) and I know that many of you are dealing with winter weather and huge amounts of snow. Stay warm and cozy and safe! 



  1. Dear Silke,
    It IS cold for Georgia, isn't it? If you look at any of the blogs from up North, the snow is beautiful, but we just can't handle it in Georgia (not in Atlanta anyway!)
    Once again, happy you are back. Stay warm! xx

  2. Liebe Silke,

    ich wünsche dir einen wunderbaren Start ins neue Jahr und hoffe, dass Gesundheit und Glück dich auf deinen Wegen begleiten werden.

    Allerbeste Grüße


  3. Beautiful work Silke, I love the first one, the words, the flower, perfect!!

    It is cold here in the UK but no snow so far this Christmas, which makes me happy as I really do not like snow ;o)

  4. Oh, how sweet and good person you are, Silke. Unfortunately I live very far away, in Spain, Europe :-(( so far away to send something from USA. But, don't worry, I'm happy to see your lovely art in your blog, thank you for let me enjoy them in this way :-) Kisses and happy year!!

  5. Yes, you are on my radar. You had some adventures! Glad all is well. This art, so very pretty!!

  6. You have been missed! I don't often comment (I think I read toooooo many blogs!) but I always enjoy your blog. I look forward to hearing more about your journey with science/ fascinates me! I hope you and Daniel have a wonderful new year and that 2013 holds many wonderful surprises for you!

  7. Das ist eine tolle Farbzusammenstellung, sieht so richtig frisch aus. Deine kleinen Originale finde ich immer wieder schön.

    LG Biggi

  8. Super Tag! You should be back in Gemany,,,warmest winter in history right now.....strange weather.

  9. Please count me in. My mailbox will be excited!
    This little tag is very sweet, you've done the color green proud :-)

  10. Liebe Silke,

    ich lasse liebe Grüße hier


  11. never leave my radar!.....even if you might WANT TO! LOL!!!
    Love your small pieces~~isn't it fun to do little stuff? (I have hit the point of doing things I don't have to think about, which is probably GOOD!)

